SLOOM 03 MMIII Berlin fifteen years back
Publication, Sloom

Pages from Sloom 03 2 parts-1

Pages from Sloom 03 2 parts-2

EA Book Presentation in Berlin

An evening of book presentations by Lukas Feireiss, Michael Najjar, Fiona Shipwright, Markus Bader & Herman Verkerk
Photography / Philipp Teufel
Graphic Design / Experimental Jetset
Host / Ingeborg Wiensowski

Shop Window EA Book

Lovely shop window display at Athenaeum Bookstore in Amsterdam by Marjo Kranenborg, organised by Bonnie Dumanaw.

EA Book in PU 23
Material Pages (from the EA book)

Graphic Design / Experimental Jetset
Photography / Johannes Schwartz

EVENTS: situating the temporary

EVENTS: situating the temporary

by/ Herman Verkerk – EventArchitectuur
design/ Experimental Jetset

will be published this autumn (2016) by Birkhäuser Verlag.

contributions by:

Andreas Angelidakis, Claudia Banz, Ellen Blumenstein, Beatriz Colomina, Raphael Coutin, Robyn Dalziel, Bonnie Dumanow, Tal Erez, Bart Guldemond, Dutton R.Hauhart, Klaske Havik, Dirk van den Heuvel, Anne Hoogewoning, Koen Kleijn, Paul Kuipers, Gabriel A.Maher, Rianne Makkink, Ernie Mellegers, Joana Meroz, Edzard Mik, Landstra & de Vries, Lucas Muñoz, Véronique Patteeuw, Johannes Schwartz, Jorinde Seijdel, Tamar Shafrir, Alexander van Slobbe, Reneé Steenbergen, Eva Stricker, Dirk Sijmons, Philipp Teufel, Bernard Tschumi, a.o.

EventArchitectuur in Magazines 2001-2010

From: Amsterdam Weekly, De Architect, Artforum, Form, Frame, Man, Outlook.