Living Working
Photography: Yvon Schoenmakers, Sonja Baumel (kitchen)
Always wanted to learn and experience the Permaculture principle? Soon there will be a Centre to go to, the Campus Heerdeberg in Cadier & Keer.
Clients / Jose de Goede & Richard Reinders
Collaboration / with Guus Beumer, artistic director, and Vullings de Moor architecten
Status drawings / Pre-concept
Extensions of the Hoeve Gabardine in Friesland NL. With extra living spaces in the Fortune Cookie, a Barn for storing utilities to maintain the land, a Bath House and a Swimmingpool, and a Guest House on the Little Hill.
The Idylls project in Park Lingezegen is published in the Yearbook Landscape Architecture and Urban Design in the Netherlands 2019
photography / Jeroen Bosch
graphic design invitation opening Forest Idyll / Experimental Jetset
In collaboration with Feddes-Olthof Landscape Architects, Alessandra Covini from Studio Ossidiana & Tomaello Concrete Specialists
Working on the third Idyll for Lingezegen Park, ‘The Forest Idyll’
In collaboration with Feddes-Olthof Landscape Architects, Alessandra Covini from Studio Ossidiana & Tomaello Concrete Specialists
photography by Jeroen Bosch
Idylls is an ongoing landscape project by EventArchitectuur. Landscape and landscape design are defined as a meaningful expression of our relation with nature. Each idyll expresses this by making spaces for contemplation in it’s own way in the transforming agricultural area of Lingezegen Park.
The Mountain Idyll is realized in collaboration with landscape architects Berdie Olthof and Nanne Bouma. The Water Idyll is realized in collaboration with landscape architects Jeroen Bosch and Tim de Weerd.