Campus Heerdeberg
Architecture, Exhibition, Landscape

Always wanted to learn and experience the Permaculture principle? Soon there will be a Centre to go to, the Campus Heerdeberg in Cadier & Keer.

Clients / Jose de Goede & Richard Reinders
Collaboration / with Guus Beumer, artistic director, and Vullings de Moor architecten

Status drawings / Pre-concept

Experience in Action

Designbuild in Architecture

TUM’s Architecture Museum is opening its largest and most comprehensive exhibition on “DesignBuild” to date – a teaching method offered at numerous architecture schools around the world, where students can plan, design, and implement projects on a full-scale basis. They build homes, theaters, schools, kindergartens, and hospitals, mostly in developing countries, but occasionally also in underserved areas on their own doorstep. The teaching method is not without criticism, but it offers students the opportunity to lend a hand and deal with unknown people, other cultures, and different materials.

DesignBuild has a long tradition, but in recent years has become an increasingly popular concept at many universities. The purpose of the exhibition is therefore to inform the general public about the social impact and longterm significance of this teaching method.

NEWS: part of the exhibition will travel to AIT Hamburg & DAZ Berlin

client/ TUM Munich
commissioner/ Andres Lepik
curator/ Vera Simone Bader
date/ May 19 – September 13, 2020
location/ Architektur Museum der TUM inside the Pinakothek der Moderne
design/ Benny Nast, Jazek Poralla at Labor Fou – milkmonkey, and Herman Verkerk at EventArchitectuur & master students TUM-Architektur
graphic design/ Benny Nast, Jazek Poralla, Labor Fou – milkmonkey
production/ Thomas Lohmaier, assistant curator/ Jakob Bahret
photography/ Stills from Video by AM-TUM – Photo’s by Laura Trumpp

Sneak Preview “Experience in Action”

Opening 18th of April 2020 at the ‘Pinakothek der Moderne’ in Munich.

Design in collaboration with milkmonkey – benny nast & jazek poralla

Due to measures to contain the Covid 19 pandemic the exhibition opening is postponed to 19th of May 2020.

DDA 2018 Expo @ DDW

client/ Dutch Design Foundation – Frederiek Dijkstra
producer/ Romee Beernink
curator/ Job Meihuizen & Herman Verkerk
date/ October 20 – October 28 2018
location/ Veemgebouw Eindhoven
design/ Herman Verkerk & Raphael Coutin
graphic design/ Glamcult Studio – Marline Bakker & Alyar Aynetchi
production/ Studio Remy – Remy van Zandbergen
photography/ Boudewijn Bollmann

sponsor cardboard/ Smurfit Kappa Zedek – Gerbert de Ruiter

Wild Care Tame Neglect

Exhibition by visual artist Edward Thomson Clydesdale at Huize Frankendael Amsterdam

What possible agency and space do (tamed) nature and culture occupy within this former country estate surrounded by the busy city, a site that now actively serves as a restaurant and reception location. Is it possible for art in such a location to escape an ever-present aesthetic harmony? What role and whose desires does an artist fulfil in a scenario where they act as host, gardener, programmer and hermit?

The exhibition gathers works by Thomson as well as of literary theorist Frans-Willem Korsten and artists Jason Coburn, Nikola Lamburov and Ine Lamers. Designers Sandra Kassenaar and Bart de Baets developed a poster campaign during a public workshop programme with de 5e Montessorischool Watergraafsmeer, colleagues and visitors. The exhibition design by EventArchitectuur cleverly reframes the garden of Huize Frankendael itself as an architectural structure for the showing of art.

BVB 2015

client/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam & Stichting Best Verzorgde Boeken
curator/ Carolien Glazenburg
date/ Augustus 26 – October 30 2016
location/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
design/ Herman Verkerk & Paul Kuipers
production/ Landstra & de Vries, Marc Jooren
photography/ Gert-Jan van Rooij

TFM Precious

client/ Het Nieuwe Instituut
curator/ Angelique Westerhof
date/ 12 February – 8 May 2016
location/ HNI, Rotterdam, NL
design/ Raphael Coutin
production/ Landstra & De Vries
photography/ Johannes Schwartz

BVB 2014

client/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam & Stichting Best Verzorgde Boeken
curator/ Carolien Glazenburg
date/ September 5 – October 25 2015
location/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
design/ Herman Verkerk & Paul Kuipers
production/ Landstra & de Vries, Marc Jooren
photography/ Gert-Jan van Rooij

Temporary Fashion Museum in HNI

Superbox. Design Acquisitions

client/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
curators/ Ingeborg de Roode, Carolien Glazenburg & Victoria Anastasyadis
date/ october 25 2014 till february 15 2015
location/ Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
design/ Herman Verkerk & Paul Kuipers
production/ Rob den Dulk
photography/ Gert Jan van Rooij